OF DES MOINES 6201 Franklin Avenue Des Moines, IA 50322 Phone (515) 255-0212 Email: [email protected] |
Informative lectures on Islam(schedule): Sat, Sun after Maghrib and everyday after Fajr
PRAYER Khutba ( sermon) at 1:15 pm Iqamah ( prayer ) at 1:45 pm MeMbership application
Annual FundraiserYour donation allows us to service over 100+
families in the Des Moines Area. donate!DONATE using Paypal |
CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW TO REGISTER AND PAY FOR YOur aNNUAL MembershipAmazon smileUse the AmazonSmile program to get your deals and make your purchases. With your selected charity set to Islamic Center of Des Moines, a portion of all your purchases will be donated to ICDM. Alhumdulillah!
Online classes are available and you can reach out to Imam Younes at 515-421-3102 or Brother Ghazi Almishal at 515-300-5025 for details. Thank you. Regular School: Curriculum: Arabic, Qur'an and Islamic study - Asa Salaam Alaikum. Classes are every Sunday (10:15 am to 1:30 pm) unless otherwise stated. Let us all ask Allah to Save us as He is The Ultimate Protector! Alhumdulillah.